Hashicorp Nomad vs Kubernetes

May 25, 2022

Hashicorp Nomad vs Kubernetes

If you're looking for the best container orchestration platform, you'll come across two major players in the market: Hashicorp Nomad and Kubernetes.

Both platforms are designed to help you deploy, manage, and scale containers within a distributed environment. However, there are significant differences between the platforms, and choosing the right one for your organization can be challenging.

In this article, we will compare Hashicorp Nomad and Kubernetes to help you make an informed decision.

What is Hashicorp Nomad?

HashiCorp Nomad is a relatively new open-source orchestration tool for managing containers and other resources on any infrastructure. Nomad was released in 2015 and has quickly gained popularity among devops teams. Nomad is designed to be a lightweight and easy-to-use cluster management tool that is optimized for both performance and reliability.

Nomad is particularly popular because it offers a lot of flexibility to deploy any workload, including Docker, Java, and even legacy applications. It supports multiple scheduling algorithms, and you can easily integrate it with other HashiCorp tools like Consul, Vault, and Terraform.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform developed by Google. Kubernetes is the most widely used platform in the market and offers a wide range of features and integrations. Kubernetes is designed to help you manage containerized applications across a cluster of hosts.

Kubernetes has an active development community and offers a robust set of features, including auto-scaling, self-healing, load balancing, and inbuilt monitoring tools. Its high level of abstraction enables developers to manage containers and resources at scale.

Pros and Cons of Hashicorp Nomad


  • Nomad is platform-agnostic, meaning that it can work with multiple infrastructures like VMWare, AWS, and GCP.
  • Nomad is simple and easy to use, and it can be deployed in seconds.
  • Nomad is lightweight and requires a small operational footprint.


  • Nomad's ecosystem is still small, and it doesn't offer as many features or integrations as Kubernetes.
  • Nomad's web UI is relatively basic, and it doesn't offer inbuilt dashboards or performance metrics.

Pros and Cons of Kubernetes


  • Kubernetes is the market leader and has a massive and active community behind it.
  • Kubernetes offers deep integrations with other platforms like Helm, Istio, and Prometheus.
  • Kubernetes is highly scalable and can support large-scale applications with ease.


  • Kubernetes has a steep learning curve, and it can be challenging to set up and maintain.
  • Kubernetes has a relatively high operational overhead, and it requires a larger footprint than Hashicorp Nomad.

Hashicorp Nomad vs Kubernetes: The Comparison

Features Hashicorp Nomad Kubernetes
Deployment Lightweight and simple Complex and requires expertise
Scalability Limited, but it can scale to thousands of hosts Highly scalable and can support large-scale applications
Ecosystem Small ecosystem with fewer integrations Large ecosystem with deep integrations
Resource Utilization Flexible and can deploy any workload Optimized for containers, but can work with other workloads
Learning Curve Easy to learn and use Steep learning curve and requires significant expertise
Operational Footprint Small and requires fewer resources to operate Large and requires a significant operational footprint

Which is the Best for You?

The choice between Hashicorp Nomad and Kubernetes depends on your specific needs and resources. Hashicorp Nomad is an excellent choice if you're looking for a lightweight and easy-to-use orchestration tool that can work with multiple infrastructures.

On the other hand, Kubernetes is the ideal choice if you're looking for a platform with a large ecosystem, deep integrations, and high scalability. Kubernetes is complex, but it can support large-scale applications with ease.

In conclusion, both platforms have their pros and cons, choosing the right one for your organization is critical.


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